
Spatial Indexing of Buildings for Disaster Management

Spatial Indexing of Buildings for Disaster Management
摘要 Natural disasters not only result in financial loss but also the human lives. The failure of the existing buildings is one of the primary concerns for the damage to human lives. In order to plan a disaster free city proper planning of the buildings & infrastructure along with the associated information of non-spatial attributes are needed. The present paper highlights the application of satellite imagery for feature extraction and storing the associated database in GIS environment which is useful for decision making in real time disaster management. The complete methodology is elaborated with the help of a case study for earthquake risk assessment of Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC), Akola, Maharashtra, India region. For the better and precise work 0.5 m. resolution imagery is utilized for extracting the buildings & other infrastructure features. The structural and non-structural details of the buildings are stored as back end for possible vulnerability assessment, suitable planning and preparedness against the hazard. The extracted building features in the planned area have been given suitable weightages for Vulnerability Indexing. Based on suggested indexing approach possible retrofitting measures from the developed database can be recommended for the existing buildings in the proposed location of research. The proposed approach can further be extended for the entire infrastructure of the nation where the centralized data can be made available with Emergency Operation Centre for further planning & preparedness to make the nation disaster free.
出处 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第7期655-659,共5页 土木工程与建筑(英文版)
关键词 Natural disaster non-spatial attributes satellite imagery DATABASE emergency operation centre. 现有建筑物 灾害管理 空间索引 图像特征提取 规划面积 城市建筑物 自然灾害 应用卫星
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