
吡格列酮对实验性兔主动脉粥样硬化的预防作用 被引量:1

Effects of Pioglitazone on Prevention of Atherosclerosis in Experimental Rabbits
摘要 目的:探讨预防性应用吡格列酮(Piog)对血脂和动脉粥样硬化(AS)斑块的影响。方法:24只新西兰白兔随机分为四组,I组:正常对照组6只,II组:高胆固醇饮食(Hi-chol)组6只,III组:Hi-chol加高剂量Piog组6只,IV组:Hi-chol加低剂量Piog组6只,喂养8周后处死。于实验终点取兔血清测定血脂;取兔主动脉,观察血管AS斑块及脂质条纹形成情况;免疫组化法测定主动脉血管内皮金属蛋白酶-9(MMP-9)。结果:(1)血脂:Hi-chol成功诱发高脂血症(高TC、TG、LDL-C,HDL-C下降未达显著水平),预防应用高、低剂量Piog明显降低TG,P<0.001。(2)主动脉AS程度:Hi-chol组AS最明显,高、低剂量Piog明显改善主动脉AS情况。(3)主动脉弓血管内壁免疫组化:Hi-chol组、Hi-chol加高低剂量Piog组MMP-9阳性面积比(阳性染色面积/斑块总面积)与正常对照组比较明显升高(P<0.001),高剂量Piog组与单纯Hi-chol组比较,明显降低其表达(P<0.05)。结论:在新西兰兔中,高脂饮食成功诱发高脂血症和动脉粥样硬化,而预防性服用吡格列酮可一定程度上降低TG水平,抑制粥样斑块形成,高剂量吡格列酮降低主动脉粥样斑块内MMP-9表达。 Objective:To observe the preventive effects of pioglitazone on experiental atherosclerotic rabbits. Methods:24 Healthy WHHL(Watanabe Heritable Hyperlipidemic) rabbits were randomly divided into 4 groups(n=6):I normal control group, II high-cholesterol diet (Hi-chol) group, III hi-chol plus high dose pioglitazone (piog) group, IV Hi-chol plus low dose piog group.All animals were feeding for 8 weeks and sacrificed, taking rabbits blood to measure lipids.Observe rabbit arterial atherosclerosis (AS). Expression of metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in arterial endothelium were detected by immunohistochemistry.Results:(1)Biochemistry:Hi-chol diet successfully induced hyperlipidemia(high TC,TG,LDL-C) compared with normal diet group (P〈0.001).High dose piog decreased TG significantly compared with hi-chol diet group (P〈0.001).(2)Arterial atherosclerosis: The atherosclerosis in hi-chol diet group was serious than control group. High and low dose piog prevented AS formation significantly.(3)Immunohistochemical staining: High cholesterol diet significantly increased MMP-9 expression of arterial wall(P〈0.001), and hi-chol plus hi-dose piog significantly decreased expression of MMP-9 positive area ratio(P〈0.05).Conclusions:High cholesterol diet induced hypercholesmia and atherosclerosis in WHHL rabbits. Preventive taking pioglitazone can reduce the elevated TG level, inhibit atherosclerotic plaque formation, decrease the aortic wall MMP-9 expression.
出处 《实用中西医结合临床》 2011年第6期1-3,共3页 Practical Clinical Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
关键词 吡格列酮 噻唑烷二酮 动脉粥样硬化 Pioglitazone Thiazolidinedions Atherosclerosis
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