
浅析群岛制度的适用及南海划界 被引量:3

A Preliminary Analysis of the Application of Archipelagic Regime and the Delimitation of the South China Sea
摘要 《联合国海洋法公约》第四部分规定“群岛国”可以适用群岛制度,但对大陆国家的洋中群岛能否适用群岛制度却未予以明确规定。随着拥有洋中群岛的各大陆国家的立法实践,以厄瓜多尔、丹麦等国家为代表的大陆国家以国内立法形式将群岛作为整体划定直线基线。我国也是拥有洋中群岛的大陆国家,在我国南海分布着东沙、西沙、中沙、南沙四大群岛。除西沙群岛基线确定外,我国其他群岛均末公布领海基点基线情况。本文试图从第三次联合国海洋法会议的历史着手,分析大陆国家究竟能否适用群岛制度,并结合其他大陆国家有关洋中群岛的法律实践,分析我国南海各群岛的基线适用问题。 Part IV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides that the archipelagic regime applies to "archipelagic states". However, it is not clearly provided whether the archipelagic regime applies to the mid-ocean archipelagos of continental countries. The recent legislative practice of the continental countries with mid-ocean archipelagos represented by Ecuador and Denmark is that they regard the archipelagos as a single unit and draw straight baselines by way of national legislation. China is also a continental country with mid-ocean archipelagos. There are four archipelagos including the Dongsha, Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha Islands in the South China Sea. The Chinese gov- ernment has not yet announced baselines and base-points for these islands ex- cept for the Xisha Islands. This article tries to analyze whether continental countries can apply the archipelagic regime based on the history of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, and how to draw the baselines for the South China Sea Islands based on the practices of other continental countries.
作者 姜丽 张洁
出处 《中国海洋法学评论(中英文版)》 2010年第1期155-185,共31页 China Oceans Law Review
关键词 群岛制度 大陆国家 洋中群岛 南海诸岛 archipelagic regime continental countries mid-ocean archipelagos the South China Sea Islands
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  • 4UN Office for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Baselines: An Examination of the Relevant Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, UN Publication, 1999, p. 22.
  • 5J. Ashley Roach and Robert W. Smith, United States Responses to Excessive Maritime Claims, 2nd edition, The Hague: Marti- nus Nijhoof Publishers, 1996, pp. 112-122.
  • 6Denmark Order No. 29 of 27 February 1903 respecting the supervision of Fisheries in the Sea surrounding the Faroe Islands and Iceland outside the Danish Territorial Sea, UN DOC. ST/LEG/SER. B/6.
  • 7Ordinance No. 599 of 21 December 1976 on the Delimitation of the Territorial Sea around the Faroe Islands.
  • 8Supreme Decree No. 959-A of 28 June 1971 prescribing straight baselines for the measurement of the Territorial Sea.
  • 9US Department of State, "Straight Baselines: Ecuador", Limits in the Seas, No. 42, p. 7.
  • 10US Department of State, "Straight Baselines: Svalbard", Limits in the Seas, No. 39, p. 5.



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