可编程逻辑器件 PLD 是80年代中期诞生的一种新型逻辑器件,是当今最具活力、应用前景极好的数字电路组件,它的广泛应用正在深刻地影响着电子系统的设计。文章分析了传统的 ASIC 设计方法中存在的限制和问题,介绍了 PLD 的工作特性和设计方法,阐述了用 PLD 进行 ASIC 设计的实用性和优越性。
Programmable Logical Device (PLD) is a new logic device appeared in the middle of 1980s. It is an excellent digital circuit package (module) with the greatest vitality and perspective in application.The limitations and problems existed in the traditional ASIC design methods are analyzed in this article,and the op- eration (working) property and design methods of PLD are introduced.It also elaborates the practicality and ad- vantage of how to aPPlY PLD to ASIC design.