
天然气水合物地质前景 被引量:12

Natural Gas Hydrates-Geological Perespective
摘要 天然气水合物广泛存在于极地地区,通常与冻土带的近海和深海以及陆架和岛屿边缘密切相关。天然气水合物具有三个方面的研究意义:作为化石燃料具有很大的资源潜力;作为临界状态物质,具有水下地质灾害的潜在危害;作为有机碳库,对全球气候变化产生重要影响。气体水合物赋存于地表浅层2000米深度。由于气体水合物的不稳定性特征,温度和压力微小变化都将会造成水合物分解,发生地质灾害,如海底滑塌、滑坡,此类灾害在世界各地曾发生过多次,伴随灾害过程向大气排放大量甲烷,对全球气候变化产生一定影响。 Natural gas hydrates have become an exciting national and international research issue. Gas hydrates,also called gas clathrates, naturally occur in sollds comprised of water molecules forming a rigid lattice of cages with most of the cages, each containing a molecule of natural gas, mainly methane.Natural gas hydrates exists worldwide in the polar region, normally associated with onshore and off shore permafrost, and in sediment of outer continental and insular margins. The role that methane hydrates will play in contributing to the world's energy needs will depend on the availability, producibility, and cost of extracting methane from the hydrate phase. The generally accepted estimates of the total amount of methane that in gas hydrates is about twice the total methane of all fossil fuels (i. e. gas, oil, coal, etc. ) combined. However, if even a small portion of the suspected gas hydrate accumulation is producible, hydrates would have a significant impact as an energy resource. The total amount of methane in gas hydrates likely exceeds 1019g methane carbon. Three important research areas clearly emerge as common themes in all gas hydrate research plans: (1) hydrates as an energy resource, (2) hydrates as agent of global change, and (3) hydrates as a factor in sea floor stability and geohazards. Because natural gas hydrates represent a 1arge amount of methane within 2ooom of the earth's surface, they are considered to be an unconventional, unproven source of fossil fuel.Because gas hydrates are metastable, changes of pressure and temperature affect their stability. Destabillzed gas hydrates beneath the sea floor lead to geologic hazards such as submarine slumps and slides, examples of those are found worldwide. Destabilized gas hydrates may also affect climate through the release of methane, a 'greenhouse' gas, which may enhance global warming and be an important factor in global climate change.I thought that in each of these aspects an imposing need arises for study that is both technically demanding and of publlc interest. Here we briefly review those three themes and their underlying scientific opportunitles,
出处 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第A12期846-853,共8页 Acta Sedimentologica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金!49973024
关键词 天然气水合物 化石燃料 地质特征 资源前景 natural gas hydrate fuel energy properties geological prospective
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  • 3雷怀彦,沉积学报,1996年,14卷,3期,151页
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  • 5徐学攵祖,地球科学进展,1990年,5卷,6期,87页












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