目的分析深圳市2008-2010年艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)实施的现状,并探讨其影响因素,为调整VCT策略提供依据。方法对2008-2010年求询者相关资料及实验室检测结果进行分析。结果 3年总共有45 135名求询者接受咨询,求询类型主要包括商业异性性行为史27 952例(61.9%),男男性行为史1 763例(3.9%),献血浆及输血/血制品史共1 120例(2.5%),注射毒品史286例(0.6%),其他14 014例(31.0%)。3年中共有44 239例(98.0%)接受了艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测,共检出428例HIV阳性,阳性率为0.97%。65.8%的求询者接受了检测前咨询,82.7%的检测者接受了检测后咨询及告知服务。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,性别、年龄、文化程度、求询类型和既往检测等五个因素,与求询者HIV阳性率有关。结论深圳市VCT在HIV发现方面起着重要作用,但应加强对高危人群检测咨询后的行为转变的健康教育。
Objective To analyze the impact factors and status of HIV VCT in Shenzhen city from 2008 to 2010,and to provide evidence for the adjustment of VCT strategy.Method The information of VCT in the Chinese disease prevention and control information system was collected and analyzed.Results A total of 45 135 clients received VCT service from 2008 to 2010.Among them 27 952(61.9%)had commercial heterosexual behavior,1 763 were men who had sex with men(MSM),1 120 had offered plasma or blood /blood products,286 had history of drug injection,and 14 014(31.0%)had other conditions.428 clients were confirmed as HIV(+) among 44 239(98.0%) clients who had received HIV test in the past three years,with a positive rate of 0.97%;65.8% of the clients received pre-test counseling,and 82.7% of the clients received post-test counseling and informed services.Logistic regression analysis showed that HIV positive rate was significantly associated with gender,age,education,types of counseling and past history of physical check up.Conclusion VCT plays an important role in HIV identification in Shenzhen,but it is necessary to strengthen health education for behavior change after VCT service in high-risk population groups.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
Acquired immune-deficiency syndrome(AIDS)
Voluntary counseling and testing(VCT)
Impact factors