目的了解连云港市甲型病毒性肝炎(下称甲肝)流行特征,为制定防制措施提供依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法对1997—2010年连云港市甲肝疫情资料进行统计分析。结果 1997—2010年连云港市共报告甲肝3 264例,年平均发病率为5.02/10万,连云港市甲肝疫情呈连续下降趋势,一年四季均有病例发生,出现1—3月和7—8月2个高峰。职业以农民为主,年龄以30~39岁组最多,男女发病数之比为2.51∶1。结论该市甲肝疫情虽有下降趋势,但仍是重点防制的污染病之一。加强以接种甲肝疫苗为主的综合防控措施能有效降低甲肝发病率。
[Objective]To understand the epidemiological characteristics of viral hepatitis A in Lianyungang city,provide the scientific evidences for making control strategies. [Methods]The epidemic data of hepatitis A in Lianyungang city from 1997 to 2010 were statistically analyzed with descriptive epidemiological methods. [Results]3 264 cases of hepatitis A were reported in Lianyungang from 1997 to 2010,and the annual average incidence rate was 5.02/lakh.The incidence of hepatitis A has been decreasing.The cases were reported in whole year,and there were two peaks which were from January to March and from July to August respectively.Most of patients were peasants,and mainly in the age group of 30~39 years old.The ratio of male to female was 2.51∶1. [Conclusion]The incidence of viral hepatitis A in Lianyungang city shows a downward trend,but it is still one of the most important infectious diseases.The comprehensive control measures which are dominated by hepatitis A vaccine can effectively reduce the incidence rate of hepatitis A.
Occupation and Health
Viral hepatitis A
Incidence rate
Epidemiological characteristics