本文报告了成都市在实现以乡为单位第三个85% 目标中所取得的成效。分析了1991~1995 年计划免疫工作质量和所获效益。结果表明: 卡介苗(BCG)、脊灰疫苗 (TOPV)、百白破三联制剂 (DPT)、麻疹疫苗 (MV) 四种疫苗接种率呈逐年上升, “四苗”相关疾病的发病率和死亡率呈逐年下降趋势, 1995年发病降至历史最低水平。1995 年“四苗”单项接种率分别为BCG99.42% 、TOPV99.21% 、DPT99.79% 、MV99.26% , “四苗”全程率98.84% 。五年较开展计划免疫前减少发病37573 人, 减少死亡398 人, 避免因发病和死亡而造成的各类经济损失8221万元。根据成本效益分析: 1991~1995年共投资145 万元, 取得净效益8077万元, 成本效益之比BCR为1∶56.75,
This paper reported an evaluation on cost benefit to immunize 85% of children coverage rate in terms of residentaren or township after strengthenment management of EPI form 1991 to 1995 in Chengdu.The result showed that the coverage rates of BCG,DPT,measles and polio vaccines have been increased gradually,and the related mortality and incidence rates of the target disease have been decreased to the lowest level so far.The coverage rates of BCG,DPT,measles and polio vaccinates are 99 42%,99 79%,99 26%,99 21%,respectively.The number of incident cases of the target diseases has been decreased by 37573,the number of death by 398,and the cost of 82210000 yuan RMB has been saved.According to cost benefit analysis:the cost is 1450000 yuan RMB from 1991 to 1995,and the pure benefit is 80770000 yuan.The ratio of cost benefit is 1∶56 75,the benefits of social and economic are substantial.
Modern Preventive Medicine