
沙钢细晶粒热轧薄带钢的研究和工业生产 被引量:2

Development and Commercial Run of Hot-Rolled Fine-Grained Strip Steels in Shasteel
摘要 通过系统的实验室研究、中试工场热轧试验和工业生产热轧试验,成功实现了热连轧细晶粒系列C-Mn钢的工业化生产。利用变形诱导铁素体相变(DIFT)机制和变形后快速冷却工艺,在w([Mn])为0.2%~0.7%的低碳(w([C])为0.13%~0.17%)钢中获得了细晶粒多边形铁素体(PF)+珠光体(P)+贝氏体(B)组织。使用奥氏体未再结晶区终轧和快速冷却工艺路线在高锰钢(w([C])为0.13%~0.17%,w([Mn])为1.5%)中得到了PF+B组织。在1450mm热带钢连轧生产线上,批量生产出厚度4.0~5.5mm细晶粒热轧板卷。 Industrial mass production was conducted for hot-rolled plain carbon-manganese strip steels with fine-grained microstructure based on systematic studies in laboratory,test-plant rolling trials and a series of industrial rolling trials.The mechanism of deformation-induced-ferrite-transformation(DIFT) is utilized during finish rolling and lamellar water flow cooling employed on run-out table to form fine-grained ferrite microstructure consisting of PF+P+B in manganese containing(w([C]) is 0.13%-0.17%,w() is 0.2%-0.7%) low carbon steels.The technical approach to produce fine-grained microstructure consisting of PF+B in low carbon high manganese(w([C]) is 0.13%-0.17%,w() is 1.5%) containing steels is featured by conventional finish controlled-rolling in non-recrystallized austenite region followed by the same accelerated cooling as the case for low manganese containing steels.Fine-grained hot rolled strip steels with thickness at 4.0-5.5 mm have been produced with a 1 450 mm hot strip mill.
出处 《钢铁》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期49-55,共7页 Iron and Steel
关键词 细晶粒钢 变形诱导铁素体相变 快速冷却 卷取 fine-grained steel DIFT accelerated cooling coiling
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