
被动式伪造IP数据流地理信息获取技术研究 被引量:2

Research on the passive geolocalization of spoofed IP address
摘要 伪造IP是当前互联网中攻击数据流普遍采用的身份隐藏手段,TCP/IP协议栈下难以获取伪造IP数据流的真实地理信息.针对不同路径传输数据流在跳数、往返时延和传输噪声3种重要测量参数的特点和规律,提出通过比较测量参数完成对不同路径的识别,在此基础上,基于模式匹配的方式找到与伪造lP数据流具有相同地理位置的非伪造数据流,通过查询非伪造IP数据流的源IP地址的地理位置即可获取伪造IP数据流的真实地理位置.利用分布于全球的不同被动测量点进行了测试,结果表明,该种方法可以有效地定位伪造IP数据流. Spoofed IP is an important method to hide real source IP for attackers. Under TCP/IP stack, it's hard to acquire the true geolocation of spoofed IP, so how to geolocalizate spoofed IP plays a key role in network security. After studying and comparing the three main measurement parameters including hop count, round trip time and transmission noise, identifying route by measure parameters is proposed. Then the spoofed IP's geolocation can be determined by comparing its route to the normal IP flow. Experimental results of giant data acquired by different measurement points around the world show that this method could geolocate the spoofed IP flow efficiently.
作者 焦程波 郑辉
出处 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1287-1292,共6页 Journal of Sichuan University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家973计划项目(2007CB307104)
关键词 被动式 伪造IP 地理位置 跳数 往返时延 传输噪声 passive, spoofed IP,geolocation, hop count, round trip time, transmission noise
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