
MEMS矢量水听器定位误差分析与测试 被引量:2

Analysis and Testing of the Positioning Error of MEMS Vector Hydrophone
摘要 针对一种纤毛式微机械电子(MEMS)矢量水听器的工作原理进行分析,通过分析得出该矢量微传感器的定位误差主要来源于纤毛柱体的偏差。通过有限元仿真分析得出纤毛柱体的偏差对矢量水听器在两个方向上的灵敏度有较大影响,理论计算出在纤毛偏移下2个轴向灵敏度度误差为9.74%。对水听器结构进行轴向灵敏度测试,测出x向灵敏度为0.683mV/g(其中g为重力加速度),y向灵敏度为0.755mV/g,两个方向上灵敏度相对误差为9.5%,与仿真结果接近。 The operating principle of a MEMS ciliary vector hydrophone has been analyzed in this paper.The results showed that the positioning error of the vector micro-sensor was mainly caused by the offset of ciliary column.The FEM analysis results showed that the offset of ciliary column had relatively large influence on the sensitivity in two directions of the vector hydrophone.The theoretical calculation showed that the sensitivity error in the two-axial directions was 9.74% in the ciliary offset.The axial-direction sensitivity error test results of the vector hydrophone showed that the sensitivity in x-direction was 0.683 mV/g;while in y-direction was 0.755 mV/g.The relative error in the two directions was 9.5%,which was close to the simulation result.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期930-934,共5页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50535030)
关键词 矢量水听器 微机械电子(MEMS) 误差 纤毛 vector hydrophone MEMS error cilium
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