为了探讨蛇毒NGF在坐骨神经损伤后脊髓前角运动神经元三偏磷酸酶(TMPase)活性变化中的作用,钳夹损伤兔右侧坐骨神经,注射蛇毒NGF400 BU/kg·d 于损伤处,术后1、3、7 天和2、3、4、6、8 周动态观察脊髓腰段伤侧第Ⅸ板层外侧核群的大型运动神经元的TMPase 活性改变。结果术后1、3 天实验组和对照组TMPase 活性均增加(P> 0.05);术后3 周实验组TMPase 活性达高峰,溶酶体数目及溶酶体、高尔基复合体的电子密度也明显增加,对照组酶活性不如实验组高,组间差异显著(P< 0.01);术后6 周实验组TMPase活性恢复到正常水平,而对照组酶活性才开始回降。结果表明蛇毒NGF对TMPase 活性恢复有促进作用,从而对运动神经元起到一定的保护作用和促进恢复的作用。
To explore the role of nerve growth factor in the trimetaphosphatase (TMPase)changes of the motor neuron in the anterior horn of the spinal cord after sciatic nerve crushed ,the right sciatic nerves of rabbits in experimental and control groups were crushed.The animals of the experimental group were injected with snake venom NGF(400 BU/kg·d).1,3,7 days and 2,3,4,6,8 weeks after nerve crush,the changes of TMPase activity in motor neurons of the lumbar spinal cord were observed under LM and EM.The TMPase activity in the experimental and control group was increased during 1,3 days after nerve injury ( P >0 05).The TMPase activity of the experimental group was increased to the highest during 3 weeks after nerve injury ,and there was a significant difference between the experimental group and control group( P <0 01),the number of lysosomes increased considerably.Meanwhile,the electron density in lysosomes and Golgi appatarus was increased remarkably.As compared with TMPase activity of control group,the enzyme activity of experimental group was lower,The TMPase activity of the experimental group declined to the baseline 6 weeks after nerve injury( P <0.01).Otherwise,the TMPase activity of the control group just began to subside gradually.The results indicate that snake venom NGF could promote the recovery of the enzyme activity of TMPase.Therefore,snake venom NGF may play an important role in protecting the motor neuron and accelerating the recovery of the injured motor neuron.