目的 评价彩超在下肢动脉闭塞性疾病中的临床应用价值。方法 以动脉造影的检查结果为参照标准与彩超探测结果进行比较分析。结果 彩超探测54 条下肢动脉闭塞≥50 % 的特异性为97 .95% 、敏感性为96 .97 % 、阳性预测值为86 .36 % 、阴性预测值为92 .70 % 、精确性为90.12 % ,其显示了彩超评估下肢动脉闭塞性病变与动脉造影检查具有很好的一致性。结论 彩超可较准确地提供下肢动脉疾病的解剖及功能信息,并具有很好的重复性,随着技术的进步和方法的改进可能取代动脉造影而成为评估下肢动脉闭塞性疾病的主要方法。
Objective To assess the value of color sonography as a non invasive examination in occlusive arterial disease of lower limb. Methods By using arteriography as the reference standard, we investigated 54 occlusive arterial disease of lower limbs with color sonarography and arteriogrphy, and analyzed the results. Results The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and overall accuracy for color sonarography were 96.97%, 97.95%,86.36%,92.70% and 90.12% respectively, it was shown color sonarography was as accurate as arteriography in detecting arterial occlusive disease of lower limbs.Conclusion Color sonography could provide information on both the anatomical site and function, with further development, color sonography may eventually displace arteriography as the primary imaging modality in peripheral arterial occlusive disease.(Shanghai Med J, 1999, 22:725 727).
Shanghai Medical Journal