2Robert Megarry, William Wade: The Law of Real Property, 7th ed. , London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2008, p. 1328.
3SH Goo, Land Law in Hong Kong, LexisNexis,2010,pp. 611.
5《Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment Board》 ,http://en. wikipedia, org/wiki/Smith and_Snipes Hall_Farm Ltd v River_Douglas_Catchment_Board.
6See also Conveyancing and Property Ordiance s 41 (3) ( covenant enforceable against covenantor by covenantee ).
7SH Goo, Land Law in Hong Kong, LexisNexis,2010, p. 616.
8SH Coo, Land Law in Hong Kong, LexisNexis,2010,p. 623.
9SH Goo, Land Law in Hong Kong, LexisNexis,2010, p. 629.