在 10L生物反应器中 ,研究杂交瘤细胞C5 0在无血清培养条件下生长和能量代谢的特性。结果表明 ,细胞的比耗氧速率、ATP比生成速率和比生长速率有着相似的过程曲线 ,ATP比生成速率与比生长速率呈线性相关 ,反映了细胞能量代谢与生长之间的密切关系。同时发现 ,耗氧速率 (OUR)能够及时、敏感地反映细胞的代谢活力 ,预示细胞的生长变化。据此提出了利用OUR控制补料速率的初步设想。
The growth and metabolism of hybridoma cell in the scerum free culture was studied in 10L bioreactor.The results showed that the specific growth rate of cells reached maximum at the begining of logarithmic growth phase,then decreased gradually.Similar profiles were observed in the specific rates of oxygen consumption and ATP production.The specific rate of cell growth was linearly correlated with that of ATP production.It indicated the close relationship between the energy metabolism and cell growth.The authors considered that oxyg en uptake rate(OUR) could reflect cell metabolic activity timely and sensitively,and predict the change of viable cell density.It is concluded that OUR can be used for controlling feeding rate.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals
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