
ILDM:数据生命周期动态管理 被引量:4

ILDM:Information Lifecycle Dynamic Management
摘要 在完全自动化的数据生命周期管理(Information Lifecycle Management)中,数据的价值以及随着时间改变而带来的价值变化是进行数据分级的重要依据。与以往多数考虑文件的使用等影响数据价值的因素的数据价值模型不同,在ILM价值模型基础上,考虑磁盘的数据分布随时间变化对数据价值的影响,提出了数据生命周期动态管理价值模型ILDM(Information Lifecycle Dynamic Management),它综合考虑数据的最近使用、数据的使用频度、数据的分布等因素。通过实验验证表明,ILDM可有效地减少数据迁移工作量,提高系统资源利用率。 The most important basis of data classification is data's values and how they change over time in the period of fully automated Information Lifecycle Management(ILM). Different from the departed value model that uses the de- gree of information usage to classify the file, the ILDM based on the ILM was proposed, which uses the data distribution to classify the information. The recency, the degree of information usage and the data distribution are taken into consi- deration in this model. It can be concluded from the experiment that this method is helpful for reducing the migration workload and enhancing the utilization ratio of the system resource.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期239-241,262,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 数据价值 价值模型 数据分布 ILM Information value, Value model, Data distribution, ILM
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