

Analysis Method of Embedded Code's Semantic Properties Based on ARM Microprocessor
摘要 通过深入研究ARM指令系统的特点及其编译后的代码特征,构建了基于ARM微处理器的二进制嵌入式代码解析模型,讨论了基于ARM体系结构的嵌入式代码语义分析方法。从指令和指令序列两种粒度级别分别讨论了代码语义属性的抽取方法,并分析了基于该解析模型的指令和指令序列的实例。结果表明,此方法极大地提高了代码解析的准确性和可读性。 By taking deep research on the characteristic of the ARM instruction system and its compiled codes, we built a binary embedded code analytical model based on ARM microprocessor and discussed the method of embedded coders semantic analysis based on the ARM architecture. We discussed the method of extracting the code semantic properties in terms of the instruction and its sequences respectively, and analysed its instances based on the analytical model. The re sult shows that this method greatly improves the accuracy and readability of the code analysis.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期284-287,292,共5页 Computer Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2006AA01Z408 2006AA01Z409) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目(2007AA01Z483) 河南省高新领域重点攻关基金资助项目(082102210011)资助
关键词 ARM微处理器 语义属性 嵌入式代码 编译特征 指令序列 ARM microprocessor, Semantic property, Enbedded codes, Compilation characteristics, Instruction sequences
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