
DNA倍体定量分析在宫颈病变早期诊断中的价值探讨 被引量:5

Value of Quantitative Analysis of DNA in the Early Diagnosis of Cervical Lesions
摘要 目的:探讨全自动DNA图像分析系统所做DNA倍体定量分析在宫颈病变早期诊断中的应用价值。方法:对3 296例患者进行DNA倍体检测,发现有DNA倍体异常者232例。对其中110例行宫颈活检,分析DNA倍体检测在宫颈病变诊断中的应用价值。结果:DNA异倍体细胞的检出率为7.04%,110例宫颈活检发现宫颈病变阳性率为59.09%。以DNA异倍体出现作为活检标准,发现宫颈病变的敏感性为93.85%,特异性为24.44%;而以3个以上(中量)DNA异倍体出现作为活检标准,发现宫颈病变的敏感性为76.92%,特异性为71.11%。结论:在宫颈癌筛查中,应用DNA倍体检测可以提高宫颈病变的检出率,尤以出现3个以上(中量)DNA异倍体时,对诊断宫颈病变具有较高的价值,可减少漏诊,提高细胞学检查的质量。 Objective:To investigate the DNA ploidy detection in the diagnosis of cervical lesions.Methods:3 296 patients with DNA ploidy were detected,and the cervical biopsies of 110 cases were done,then we analysised the clinical significance of the DNA ploidy detection in the diagnosis of cervical lesion.Results:The positive rate of DNA aneuploid cells were 7.04%,By the cervical biopsy of 110 cases,the positive rate of cervical lesions was 59.09%.While the standard of biopsy was with the occurring of DNA-aneuploidy,the sensitivity of cervical lesions was 93.85%,and the specificity was 24.44%;however when the standard was the occurring of more than three DNA-aneuploidies(moderate quantity),the sensitivity was 76.92%,and specificity was 71.11%.Conclusion:By way of detection of DNA ploidy in cervical cancer screening,we can reduce the missed diagnosis and improve the quality of cytological examination.
作者 陈嫒 徐友娣
出处 《现代临床医学》 2011年第6期451-452,共2页 Journal of Modern Clinical Medicine
基金 南京市医学科技发展基金(YKK06067)
关键词 宫颈病变 DNA定量分析 早期诊断 cervical tumor DNA quantitative analysis early diagnosis
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