本文介绍了利用电厂自身热力循环,实现了将12 MW抽凝发电机组改造成低背压发电机组。主要方法是:通过在低压缸排汽喉口部喷除盐水以适当降低凝汽器真空以提高凝结水温度,改凝汽器循环水冷却至冷却塔散热为用除盐水冷却,再用部分除盐水冷却冷渣器,凝结水和除盐冷却水全部作为锅炉补水送至除氧器,吸收了全部冷源损失为有用能。同时所属辅机用电有所降低,极大的节约了能源。其特点是不用改任何汽轮机本体,投资少,效果好。
This article introduces using heating power cycle of power plant ltselt to realize remaking extraction low non- condensing generator set from 12 MW extraction condensing generator set. The main methods are :spraying salt solution on the entrance and throat of low -pressure casing exhaust in order to decrease the vacuum of condenser properly then increase the temperature of condensing water, changing condenser circulating water cooling transporting to cooling tower into using demineralization water cooling, then using part of demineralization to cool residue machine Condensing water and demineralization water are all used as replenishing water of boiler and sent to deoxidization machine, absorb all the loss of cool iountain then transfl)rm it to uset'ul energy. Meanwhile the electricity used in the sub - machine will be decreased, saving the source extremely. The proposal does not need to change any main body of steam - electric set, bringing less investment and more efficiency.
Energy Conservation Technology
extraction condensing steam turbine with low back pressure turbine change
using of beating water heating
energy saving and emission reduction