为了解边远少数民族地区流动儿童的免疫状况和影响免疫接种率的因素,在伊克昭盟东胜市和两个镇,按设计随机对0~4 岁儿童做了调查。结果是:流动儿童占东胜市当地同龄儿童的9.95% ;占两个镇的4.17 % ;流动儿童四种疫苗的全程覆盖率为63.5% ,比常住儿童低23.8 个百分点,及时接种率为17.9 % ~36 .5% 。影响接种率的因素有:儿童家长的主观意愿(态度),家长是否知道当地的接种地点,父母的工作性质,免疫服务质量及宣传力度等。因此,加强宣传教育,提高群众接受免疫接种的主动性,改善服务质量是提高流动儿童免疫接种率的关键。
This article reported the immunization status and its affecting factors in floating children in minor-nationality areas. 0~4 year old floating children in dongsheng city and in other two towns in two different banners were randomly selected for investigation. The 0~4 year old floating children in Dongsheng city accounted for 9.95% of the total same aged children in this city, while that was 4.17% in two other towns. The complete immunization coverage rate of four vaccines (BCG, OPV, DPT, MV) was 63.5% in floating children which was 23.8% lower than that in permanent resident children, and the timely vaccination was 17.9%~36.5%. The analysis on the affecting factors showed that the immunization coverage rate was closely related to the parents' attitude to immunization, the propaganda on vaccine immunization, the kinds of parents' job, the immunization service quality and the parents' knowing of the local service spots. Therefore, the key measures of raising the immunization coverage rate are to strengthen the immunization propaganda, to improve the quality of service and to promote floating people's initiative.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Minor nationality areas
Floating children
Immunization coverage rate
Affecting factor