Objective To investigate the effect of innovative leads I connection of right ear and left arm on ECG. Methods 116 cases with 58 cases of men and women each were equally divided into male and female groups and analyzed. Through collecting the standard ECG and the ECG with innovative connection of right ear and left arm, using the statistic SPSS software, a comparative analysis was carried out between the two groups. Results The standard ECG and the innovative leads I connection were both used in 58 cases of male group, however, there was no significant difference found in the ECG records. Same experiment was also carried out in 58 cases of female group, and the same result obtained as the male group. Conclusion If the right upper limb of the patient is in the circumstances such as traumatic, burns,amputation, installed artificial limb etc, or when the patient is in the trouble of Parkinson Disease, the electrode thus can not he placed in the right upper limb. In this situation, the electrode can be placed in the right ear of the patient, which will also receive satisfactory ECG record for clinical reference.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News