

Value Promotion on Brand Equity in Large Supermarket of China
摘要 目前,我国零售业竞争异常激烈,各大超市在品牌资产建设上却显得捉襟见肘,品牌资产提升效果不尽人意。要从本质上提升品牌资产,大型超市必须在深入理解品牌知名度、品牌形象来源等因素基础上,探究影响品牌资产的关键驱动因素,在超市的选址、商品的选择、价格策略、促销手段等方面制定品牌价值的提升策略。管理者要有效实施顾客满意工程,创新企业为文化,从而实现品牌价值增值,提升品牌竞争力。 Currently, the retail trade in China is fierce in competition, nearly all large supermarkets are insufficient in brand construction, and their brand value is dissatisfactory. Hence, based on brand recognition and image, the large supermarkets should research the key factors influencing brand value, and make strategies to increase brand value from location, commodity selection, prices, and promotion means. The managers should take the project of customer satisfaction and innovate enterprise culture to increase the brand value and competition.
作者 赵姝清
机构地区 哈尔滨商业大学
出处 《商业经济》 2011年第24期63-64,共2页 Business & Economy
关键词 大型超市 品牌资产 价值提升研究 large-scale supermarket, brand equity, value promotion
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