针对某Plug-in混合动力电动汽车,应用Cruise/Simulink联合仿真的方式建立整车模型。采用仿真分析的方法,分别依据GB/T 19753—2005和GB/T 19753—2010两版国标中规定的轻型混合动力电动汽车能量消耗量试验方法规定的工况及测试条件,对车辆能量消耗进行对比分析。在对所开发的整车控制策略的控制效果进行验证的同时,研究新旧两版国标对Plug-in混合动力电动汽车整车能量消耗的影响。
The model is established by using the Cruise/Simulink co-simulation method. The energy consumption of a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is compared under the test conditions of GB/T 19753--2005 and GB/T 19753--2010. The performance of the control strategy is verified. At the same time the effects on the energy consumption of the light-duty hybrid electric vehicles from the old and new Chinese standards are analyzed.
Shanghai Auto