检验通过小学生来劝导父母戒烟这种方法的可行性并评价其效果。我们于1999 年1 月,在北大附小开展一项名为“我向父母献爱心”的活动,对北大附小370 名小学生通过上课的方式进行吸烟有害宣传,并发放戒烟材料给其家长,督促其父母戒烟,对成功者予以奖励。主要结果:1 . 调查表明67 % 的家长吸烟,其中49 % 在家里吸。2 . 活动中有74 % 的吸烟家长中有戒烟愿望。3 .4 周后实际戒烟率为10 .3 % ,与其他方法相比,该方法的效果比较好,宣传面广、简单易行。
To verifyand evaluatethefeasibility ofpersuadingparentstoquitsmokingthroughschoolchildren.acampaign named“give myloveto parents”was carried out atthe Beijing University affiliated primary schoolin Jan,1999.Lectures on quit-smoking weregivento pupils,and pamphlets weretaken bythestudentstotheirparents.Pupils whoseparentshadquit tedsmoking were given awards.Asaresult:(1) 67% ofthe parentssmokedregularly,of which 49% smoked at home,(2) 74% oftheparentsmokers hadthe willingnessto quitsmoking aftertheeducation,(3) 10.3% ofthe parentsmokers quitted smokingsuccessfullyat 4 weeksfollow up.Comparing with other methods,this method had a better cost- effective ratio, widercoverageandit was easyto carry outand worth promoting.
Journal of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases