
加纳凯蓬供水扩建工程里程碑支付的探讨 被引量:2

Milestone Payment of Ghana Kaipeng Water Supply Expansion Project
摘要 里程碑支付是国际工程总承包中一种常见的支付方式,具有操作程序简单、管理工作量小等优点受到业主方的青睐,同样,总包商如果能利用好这种支付手段,在减少支付工作量的同时又能取得最大的经济效益,本文以加纳凯蓬供水扩建工程为例,重点从支付项目设置、分解以及各项比例的确定等方面做了分析和研究。 Milestone payment is a kind of common payment of the international engineering contracting,has the advantages such as the operation procedure is simple,management workload is small.If contractor can make good use of this kind of means of payment,it can be realized to reduce payment workload,and also achieve the biggest economic benefits.Taking Ghana Kaipeng water supply expansion project as an example,this paper analyzes it from the settings,decomposition and the determination of the proportion of payment project.
作者 李俊峰
出处 《价值工程》 2011年第36期40-41,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 加纳凯蓬供水扩建工程 里程碑支付 项目分解 Ghana Kaipeng water supply expansion project milestone pay project decomposition
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