目的 分析不同部位脑出血、幕上不同出血量对心率变异性(HRV)的影响。方法 采用24h 动态心电图记录54 例脑出血急性期病人24h 窦性心率,用HRV软件进行时域指标及频域指标分析。结果 右半球出血患者SDNN(正常R-R间期的标准差)、SDANN(每连续5m in 时段标准差)明显低于左半球出血病人(P分别< 0.05,0.01),幕下出血高频谱成分(HF)明显低于幕上出血(P< 0.05),幕上出血的出血量与SDNN呈负相关(r= - 0.5216,P< 0.01)。结论 不同部位。
Objective To analyze the effects of different sited cerebral hemorrhage on heart rate variability (HRV),and the relationship of upper tentorial blood volume with HRV.Method 24h ECG of patients with acute cerebral hemorrhage was recored with ambulatory holter,and the data was analyzed by computer for the time domain and frequency domain measures.Result Compared with left sied cerebral hemorrhage,the stroke side on the right side was associated with a reduced SDNN (standard deviation of the NN intervals) and SDANN(standard deviation of the averages of NN intervals in all 5 minute segments of the entire recording)(P<0.05,0.01).Compared with upper tentorial hemorrhage,subtentorial hemorrhage was related to a reduced high frequency(HF,P<0.05).The blood volume of upper tentorial hemorrhage has beeline correlation with SDNN.Conclusion The changes of HRV was associated with different site ane blood volume of hemorrhage in acute patients.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Weifang
Cerebral hemorrhage
Heart rate variability
Autonomic nervous system