

Splenic metastasis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma and literature review
摘要 目的:探讨卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的临床特点和治疗策略。方法:报告1例卵巢透明细胞癌脾脏转移的详细临床资料,并进行系统文献回顾。结果:卵巢癌出现脾脏转移以浆液性乳头状囊腺癌多见,卵巢透明细胞癌发生脾脏转移极为罕见。卵巢癌出现脾脏转移时间多在卵巢癌术后,少数出现于首次就诊时,多数表现为同时多发性的大网膜及盆腔转移,个别患者可表现为孤立性脾转移病灶。结论:卵巢癌脾脏转移诊断的确立需要结合肿瘤标志、影像学资料和组织病理;治疗方面需采取综合手段,应在准确评估病情的前提下,及时行减瘤术和脾切除术,以提高患者生存质量。 Objective:To explore the clinical characteristics and treatment strategies of splenic metastasis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma.Methods: The detailed clinical data of a case of splenic metastasis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma was reported and the literatures about splenic metastasis of ovarian carcinoma were reviewed.Results: Splenic metastasis of ovarian cancer appears to be more common in serous cystadenocarcinoma.Splenic metastasis of ovarian clear cell carcinoma is really rare.Splenic metastasis of ovarian cancer often occurred postoperatively,while a few happened in the first treatment.Most of splenic metastasis occurred simultaneous involvement of the greater omentum and pelvic,while a few showed isolated splenic metastasis.Conclusion: Tumor marker,imaging and tissue pathologic data are needed to be combined to diagnose splenic metastasis of ovarian cancer.Synthesize treatment is needed.After accurately evaluate patient's condition,it is essential to perform cytoreductive surgery and splenectomy in order to improve quality of life.
出处 《现代肿瘤医学》 CAS 2011年第12期2504-2507,共4页 Journal of Modern Oncology
关键词 卵巢透明细胞癌 脾脏转移 减瘤术 脾切除术 ovarian clear cell carcinoma splenic metastasis cytoreductive surgery splenectomy
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