
在变值测量模拟中的条件概率统计分布 被引量:5

Conditional Probability Statistical Distributions in Variant Measurement Simulations
摘要 针对常见的两类量子交互干涉实验,Young氏双缝干涉和超低强度长时间曝光量子交互结果显示出的明显波动统计分布特性,本文基于另一种经典概率测量模型Bayes统计依据的条件概率方法,提出条件概率变值测量模型,建立了测量模拟方法,给出了不同参量的测量公式,并对相关的重要条件进行描述.通过2个具体例子按每个函数形成四组16个直方图统计分布进行比较,对给定例子中的重要特性进行了分析.分析表明,在同步/异步、对称/反对称的作用下,条件概率测量模拟系统能针对左路、右路、双路粒子和双路波动交互作条件形成两类8种不同的统计分布.从不同的侧面显现了双路粒子同左/右路异步加算符信号之间的直接耦合关系,以及左/右路同步加算符信号与双路波动之间的干涉输出关系.在条件概率模型的条件下,单路/双路、粒子和波动的区别非常明晰,可以从中看到Feynman提炼的经典和量子统计之间的区别,统计判据直接从直方图分布中即可区分.这类特性从基础层面显示了波/粒二重性的怪异特性,可以通过粒子性的模型完整描述. Two quantum interactive experiments are shown in strong wave-like interference properties,ie Young double slit experiment and very lower intensive and very long time explosin experiment for quanta.This paper is based on a classical statistic scheme: Bayes statistics on Conditional Probability to propose conditional probability measurements and relevant statistcal models to visualized complex properties of their interactions.Variant measurement simulation model is established and corresponding measring equations and perameters are formulated.Two typical cases are selected and each time has corresponding to four groups of results in 16 histograms.Under this construction,it is feasible to understand the intrinsic wave-like properties of quantum interactions.Under the conditional probability model,intrinsic wave-like statistical distributions are observed on both normal conditions and interferenced conditions in their spatial statistical distributions respectively.
作者 郑智捷
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期1662-1666,共5页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 云南省特色专业建设基金-信息安全(No.X3108042) 云南省软件工程重点实验室建设基金(No.2010KS06)资助
关键词 条件概率 统计分布 波动特性 干涉实验 Conditional probability Statistical distribution Wave-like Interference
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