本文主要讨论了Windows 下应用程序中工具条开发中出现的两个问题:一是工具条标题文本的加入,一是复杂工具条(包含编辑框、下拉框等)中消息的传递机制,并且由于Window s下快捷键的引入而导致某些消息不能正常传递,针对这两个问题,文中都给出了解决办法。
In this paper, tw o problem s in developing Win- dowsapplication toolbarsarediscussed. Oneinvolvesthe title text in toolbars, and the other the m essage dispatching in Window s applications. In com plex toolbars (those including com bo boxes, edits, etc), m essages are not properly dis- patched using the norm alm ethod. This paper proposes a so- lution to the problem .
Microcomputer Applications