

Study of innovation information diffusing channel power comparison in the internet environment
摘要 互联网技术的普及和应用导致网络口碑的产生,网络口碑成为继Bass模型中大众传媒和传统口碑之后的一种新兴的创新信息传播渠道,然而目前鲜有文献深入研究网络口碑对创新扩散的影响。本文在Bass模型中两大创新信息渠道基础上,加上网络口碑渠道,对原模型进行改进,改进后的模型可以计算出3种信息渠道的影响力大小。以中国网上购物扩散为例进行实证研究,对网上购物扩散中3种信息渠道所起作用大小进行排序,并分析这种排序产生的原因,最后对创新推广企业提出一些参考建议。 Internet word of mouth is built by the popularity of Internet technology,the internet word of mouth becomes a new innovation information diffusing channel next to media and word of mouth,but few people have studied the effect of internet word of mouth to innovation diffusion.This paper adds internet word of mouth to Bass model based on the original two channels;the improved model can give the power of three information channels.We empirically test the model with Chinese online shopping data,and we arrange the power of the three channels,and explain the reason.At last we give some innovation suggestions enterprise.
出处 《科技与管理》 2011年第6期42-45,共4页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(70532006) 教育部人文社会科学项目(10YJC630065)
关键词 网络口碑 信息渠道影响力 对比 internet word of mouth information channel power comparison
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