
20世纪90年代以来的印度与越南关系 被引量:5

India-Vietnam Relations since 1990s
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,印度与越南两国政府从地缘政治和区域战略利益以及国内经济科技发展需要出发,不断推进两国多渠道的联系与交往,加强政治、军事、安全、经济、科技等各领域的合作,两国相互依赖、相互利用,发展为全面战略伙伴关系。 since 1990s,the Governments of India and Vietnam have promoted multi-channel contacts and exchanged with each other,and have also enlarged bilateral cooperation in various fields including politics,security,economics,education and culture,as well as science and technology.The two countries also help each other to realize strategic interests in regional and global affairs.The reasons for these include their geopolitical strategic interests,the need to offset China's influence,and the demands from domestic economic development.
作者 陈文
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 2011年第4期51-64,共14页 South Asian Studies
基金 国家社科基金重点项目"中美日印在东南亚的软实力比较及我国对策研究"(批准号:10AGJ003)的部分成果
关键词 印度 越南 关系 相互依赖 Vietnam India relationship interdependence
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