
320排CT半自动法测量肝脏体积指数在肝硬化中的应用价值 被引量:6

Value of liver volume index in cirrhosis: Semi-automatic measurement by 320-row CT
摘要 目的探讨320排CT半自动法测量肝脏体积(LV)指数在肝硬化中的应用价值。方法使用320排螺旋CT半自动法测量肝硬化组20例和对照组20名的LV,并根据公式计算LV指数。绘制LV指数和LV测量值的ROC曲线,对肝硬化组的LV指数、LV测量值与肝功能血清学指标以及肝功能Child-Pugh评分分别进行相关分析。结果肝硬化组的LV测量值为(997.31±293.37)cm3,LV指数为0.76±0.20;对照组的LV测量值为(1104.66±153.15)cm3,LV指数为0.88±0.11。LV测量值ROC曲线下的面积为0.68,LV指数ROC曲线下的面积为0.77。LV指数与肝功能Child-Pugh评分显著负相关(r=-0.54,P<0.05)。结论 LV指数能更好地反映肝硬化患者LV减小的程度,具有较高的敏感度和特异度,可用于辅助诊断肝硬化。 Objective To observe the application value of 320-row CT semi-automatic measurement of liver volume(LV) index in cirrhosis.Methods LV was measured by using 320-row spiral CT semi-automqtic method in 20 patients with liver cirrhosis(cirrhosis group) and 20 control subjects(control group),and LV index was calculated according to the formula.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves of LV measurement value and LV index were drawn,and then correlation analysis was applied among LV index,LV measurement value,liver function serum index and Child-Pugh score.Results In cirrhosis group,LV measurement value was(997.31±293.37)cm3,LV index was(0.76±0.20).In control group,LV measurement value was(1104.66±153.15)cm3,LV index was(0.88±0.11).The area was 0.68 below ROC curve of LV measurement value and 0.77 below ROC curve of LV index.LV index negatively correlated with Child-Pugh score(r=-0.54,P0.05).Conclusion LV index can better reflect the decrease of LV in liver cirrhosis patients with high sensitivity and specificity,thus can be used for auxiliary diagnosis of cirrhosis.
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期2485-2489,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
基金 NSFC-广东联合基金重点项目(U1032002) 国家自然科学基金(81071206 81000513) 中山大学CAI基金(820001163145)
关键词 肝硬化 体层摄影术 X线计算机 肝脏体积 Cirrhosis Tomography X-ray computed Liver volume
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