
控制方式、知识转移与产学合作绩效的关系研究 被引量:11

Research on the relationship among control,knowledge transfer and university-industry cooperation performance
摘要 为澄清学术界目前关于不同控制方式如何作用于产学合作绩效的模糊认识,文章尝试通过将控制细化为行为和产出控制,并引入显性和隐性知识转移作中介变量,来打开控制方式、知识转移与产学合作绩效间的关系黑箱;并通过结构方程模型对研究假设的大样本数据检验,厘清了行为和产出控制对产学间显性和隐性知识转移产生的实际作用效果差异;进而提出在以知识流动和共享为主要特征的产学合作中,应调整传统的控制思路,代之建立起以行为控制为主同时辅以适度产出控制的合理控制结构。 By introducing the transfer of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge as an intermediary variable,this paper subdivides control methods into behavior control and output control,open the relationship black-box of control methods,knowledge transfer and industry-university cooperation performance.The research hypothesis is verified with the large data sample applying the structural equation model;the paper differentiates the effects of behavior control and output control on the transfer of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge.this paper indicates that the industry-university cooperation,essentially featuring knowledge flow and sharing,should focus on behavior control and be assisted by moderate output control to replace the contract design methodology which used to overstress strict output control.
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期1854-1864,1774,共12页 Studies in Science of Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71003062 70803043)
关键词 产学合作 知识转移 行为控制 产出控制 university-industry cooperation knowledge transfer behavior control output control
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