目的:探讨黑龙江省喉癌发病的病因特点。方法:用配对病例对照方法研究黑龙江省喉癌发病的危险因素,按性别、年龄、城乡分布进行1∶1配对。资料分析使用单因素及多因素Logistic回归。结果:单因素分析显示文化程度高,经常食用酸菜、熏烤食物、加工性肉制品,体育锻炼较少,日工作时间较短,吸烟,性格暴躁等因素可增加患喉癌的危险;经常食用新鲜蔬菜、粗粮、蛋类、牛奶,经常参加体育锻炼可降低患喉癌的危险。多因素分析显示文化程度高,经常食用酸菜、熏烤食品,吸烟患喉癌的风险较大,其OR值分别为15.502 0、7.268 0、2.904 0、8.012 0;而体育锻炼是喉癌发病的保护性因素,其OR值为0.408 0。结论:酸菜及熏烤食品的摄入、吸烟是喉癌的潜在危险因素,而适当的锻炼可能降低喉癌的发病风险。
Objective:To study the incentives of laryngeal cancer in Heilongjiang province.Method:A 1∶One matched case control study was used to study the risk factors of laryngeal cancer in Heilongjiang province,distributing all tested staff by the same gender,age,urban and rural.Logistic regression models were used to analysis the relationship.Result:In single Logistic regression models,such habit as high levels of education,frequently consumption of sauerkraut,BBQ food,processed meats,the less physical activity,a relatively short time,smoking,irascible,and other factors would increase the risk of suffering from laryngeal cancer.But regular consumption of fresh vegetables,coarse grains,eggs,milk,and regular physical activity would reduce the risk of suffering from laryngeal cancer.The odds ratios(OR) were calculated using multiple Logistic regression models,ORs for the highest versus the lowest quintile of intake were 15.5020 for high levels of education,8.0120 for smoking frequently,7.2680 for eating sauerkraut,2.9040 for eating BBQ food,0.4080 for exercise in protective factors.Conclusion:Potential risk factors for laryngeal cancer were eating sauerkraut,BBQ food and smoking frequently,but proper exercise may reduce the risk of laryngeal cancer.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head And Neck Surgery