
英语专业大学生英语文学作品阅读动机实证分析 被引量:15

An Empirical Analysis of the Motivation for English Literature Reading among English Majors
摘要 英语文学作品阅读对于英语专业本科生非常重要,但目前文学经典在各高校处于被忽视的状态。本文以某高校英语专业240名高年级学生为研究对象,基于D6rnyei的动机理论,分析影响学生们阅读的学习情境因素。研究发现:学习动机中与课程相关的学生动机因素、教师动机因素和集体动机因素能够解释学生们阅读量的30%。三者中,课程相关的学生动机因素对阅读的作用最为明显,教师和集体动机因素分列其后。据此,本文提出增强和巩固学生们阅读动机的建议以及英美文学课程低年级化的可能。 In spite of its important role played in the academic study of the English majors, the reading of English literary works is much neglected on the university campus. Taking Dornyei's Motivation Theory as the theoretical basis, this study took 240 junior and senior English majors as subjects and analyzed their English literature reading motivation. The result showed that 30% of students' reading could be explained by three elements in the learning situation level:the course-related students-specific motivation, the teacher-specific motivation and the class-specific motivation. Among them, the course-related students-specific motivation exerts the greatest influence and the teacher-specific motivation, along with the class-specific motivation, comes as the second and the third respectively. Based on the above findings, this study suggests the ways of enhancing and solidifying the students' motivation of reading and proposes that the literature courses might be offered to lower-grade students.
作者 石晓杰
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期56-60,共5页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 2008年度辽宁省教育科学“十一五”规划基金立项“英国文学数字化教学模式的构建研究”(项目编号:JG08DB016)阶段性成果
关键词 英语文学作品 文学阅读 动机 English literary works reading literature motivation
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