

Weapon Sales: Strategic Measures of America and Russia to Africa——And Its Enlightenment to China
摘要 冷战后,非洲国家的军费开支逐年增长,其常规武器的进口额也日益扩大,并在地区武装冲突中起了重要作用。美国和俄罗斯是非洲国家主要的武器来源国,其武器出口在一定程度上导致了非洲地区长期的战乱与冲突。美俄对非军售既有共同点也有不同点。在金融危机肆虐全球及后金融危机时期,美俄为了拉动本国经济,积极拓展非洲军火市场。军售对军火出口国和军火进口国有着不同的意义。对美俄来说,对非军售既意味着丰厚的经济利润,又可谋求对非政治影响力。对非洲国家而言,美俄军售带来的并非和平、安全及经济发展,更多的是无尽的灾难和战争。中国对非军售以加强非洲国家国防,促进非洲国家与地区的和平、安全与稳定为主要目的,但因种种因素的制约,中国对非军售仍处于较低水平。 After the cold war, of conventional weapons are the major sources of expanded weapons to military expenditures increased in African countries year by year, whose imports increasingly and played an important role in ann conflicts. America and Russia African countries and their weapon exports, to a certain extent, lead to the long-term wars and conflicts in the African regions. America and Russia have both similarities and differences in the issue of weapon sales in Africa. After global financial crisis, America and Russia, in order to boost their domestic economy, actively expanded African arms market. To them, weapon sales in Africa mean generous economic profit and political influence in Africa. To African countries, the weapon sales of America and Russia bring endless disasters and wars instead of peace, safety or economic development. China' s arms sales to Africa aim at strengthening Mrica' s national defense, promoting peace, security and stability of African countries and regions. However, China' s arms sales in Africa are still at a low level because of various factors.
作者 李广一 颜琳
出处 《武陵学刊》 2011年第6期33-39,共7页 Journal of Wuling
关键词 美国 俄罗斯 非洲 军售 America Russia Africa weapon sales
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