目的 研究慢性应激大鼠颈动脉窦反射(CSR)的功能变化,并观察中枢血管紧张素Ⅱ(ANGⅡ) 在其变化中的作用。方法 应激组大鼠随机足底电击2 周。在麻醉下孤离颈动脉窦,用多道仪同步记录平均动脉压(MAP)和窦内压(ISP) 。应用五参数logistic 函数拟合实验数据,并定量分析反射参数的变化。结果 慢性应激后CSR 发生慢性重调,表现为调定点移向高ISP区, 反射增益和MAP反射范围减小;侧脑室(LCV) 内注射ANGⅡ特异拮抗剂肌丙抗增压素后,与注射前相比,增益和MAP反射范围增大,调定点减小,但仍高于非应激组。LCV 注射ANGⅡ后非应激大鼠CSR增益显著性下降,调定点增大;LCV 内肌丙抗增压素预处理可完全阻断ANGⅡ的上述作用。结论 慢性应激时CSR发生了重调,反射功能受到抑制,应激对CSR
Objective The study was aims at investigating the effect of chronic stress on the performance of the carotid sinus reflex (CSR) and the modulation of central endogenous angiotensin II (ANGII). Methods The carotid sinus was isolated from the systemic circulation in anesthetized Wistar rats after two weeks of unpredictable footshock. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) and the intracarotid sinus pressure(ISP) were simultaneously recorded. The ISP-MAP relationship curve was fitted and constructed by a modified logistic function. Results In the stressed rats, injection of ANGII specific receptor antagonist saralasin into the lateral cerebral ventricle (LCV) produced a significant decrease in the set point and increases in both the reflex gain and the MAP range as compared with those before at before injection. But the set point was still significantly higher than that in the unstressed rats. In the unstressed rats, decreases in the reflex gain and the MAP range and increase in the set point were found after injection of ANG Ⅱ into LCV as compared with those before injection. The above actions of ANG Ⅱ injection were blocked by saralasin treatment. Conclusion Chronic stress may inhibit and reset the CSR function through central ANG Ⅱ.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Suzhou