Agent是具有belief、desire和intention的更高粒度的对象,基于agent和对象的相似性,我们在UML(Uni-fied Moeling Language,对象统一建模语言)基础上探讨AUML(Agent-oriented UML,面向agent的建模),以机器人搜寻食物为例,从agent角色定义到系统的用例图和系统的静态结构模型开始描述,给出了AUML主要模型。
Agents are more intelligent than objects who own belief,desire and intention.Since the comparability of agent and object,it is a promising way to model agent the system based on object-oriented modeling and AUML(Unified Modeling Language).We take the robot food-research as an example,start the definition of agent roles,depict the use case diagram and its static structure in a agent system.We also present the main models of AUML.
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