

Histological and immunocytochemical study of deferens ducts in the Chinese rat snake (Zaocys dhumnades)
摘要 为探讨乌梢蛇(Zaocys dhumnades)输精管道结构与其功能之间的关系,该研究用一般光镜技术观察了乌梢蛇输精管道的显微结构及其年周期变化,并结合免疫细胞化学方法研究了雄激素受体(AR)、雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)和芳香化酶(Ar)在输精管和精巢中精子细胞表达的相关性。为验证该文在乌梢蛇输精管中观察到的大量精子和圆球状结构,用一般光镜技术还观察了黑眉锦蛇(Elaphe taeniura)、赤链蛇(Dinodon rufozonatum)与虎斑颈槽蛇(Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis)的输精管道。结果表明,乌梢蛇的输精管道主要由输出小管、附睾管与输精管构成;8—10月输出小管中有精子,8月—翌年1月附睾管中有精子,全年(除7月外)输精管中有大量精子;在输精管内首次观察到由多个精子细胞构成的圆球状结构,该结构与精巢中精子细胞的AR、ER、PR和Ar累计光密度值之间分别无显著差异。由于在乌梢蛇、黑眉锦蛇及赤链蛇的输精管内圆球状结构均可见精子细胞变态形成精子。因此,建议将蛇类输精管内圆球状结构命名为生精小球(seminiferousspherule)。该文认为,蛇类精巢是精子形成的主要部位,而输精管内的生精小球是精子形成的另一个部位;附睾与输精管均可以储存精子,但输精管是精子储存的主要器官。 To investigate the relationship between structure and function of the deferens ducts in the Chinese rat snake (Zaocys dhumnades), morphological changes within an annual cycle were observed by routine histological techniques. Also, the correlation of androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and aromatase (Ar) expressions in the vas deferens and testis were studied immunohistochemically. To confh'm that the sperm and the spherical structure existed in deferens ducts, we also used routine histological technique observed deferens ducts in the Striped-tailed rat-snake (Elaphe taeniura), Red-banded snake (Dinodon rufozonatum), and Tiger-spotted neck- troughed snake (Rhabdophis tigrina lateralis). The results showed that the deferens ducts of the Chinese Rat Snake were composed of efferent duct, epididymal duct and vas deferens. Efferent duct contained sperm from August-October, and the sperm were observed in the epididymal duct from August-the following January. Throughout the year (except July) a large number of sperm were present in the vas deferens where a previously unreported spherical structure formed by spermatids was observed, which showed no significant differences in the IOD values of AR-, ER-, PR- and Ar- immunoreactivities. Since the spermatids in the spherical structure were undergoing spermatogenesis and this phenomenon also existed in the Striped-tailed rat-snake and Red-banded snake, the term, seminiferous spherule, was named for this spherical structure This study demonstrated that the testis was the main site for snake spermiogenesis, and the seminiferous spherule in vas deferens was the other Both the epididymis and vas deferens stored sperm; however, the vas deferens was the main organ for sperm storage.
出处 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期663-669,共7页 动物学研究(英文)
基金 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2007C114)
关键词 输精管道 组织学 精子形成 精子储存 Snakes Deferens ducts Histology Spermiogenesis Sperm storage
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