
巨噬细胞免疫炎性反应和三叉神经脱髓鞘关系 被引量:4

The Relationship Between the Macrophage Immunal Reaction and Trigeminal Demyelination
摘要 目的探讨巨噬细胞对三叉神经的损害关系为临床解释三叉神经脱髓鞘病变的免疫学发生机理提供理论依据方法采用HE染色与免疫组化相结合观察巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞在三叉神经脱髓鞘过程中的变化结果CD68、CD45Rb、CD3在病变的神经组织中表达分布为1沿血管分布和浸润2病变的神经纤维间表达呈局灶性、节段性分布表达增高3神经外膜分布呈浸润性描写组与轻度、中度、重度组的CD68、CD45Rb、CD3表达相比较有显著差异p<0.05或p<0.01复发组与原发组的CD68、CD45Rb、CD3表达相比较有显著差异p<0.05或p<0. Objective:To reveal the relationship between infiltrated macrophages and the pathological changes of trigeminal demyelination and to provide the basic information for clinical explanation of the mechanism of the demyelination in this disease.Methods:Immunohistochemical expression of the CD68,CD45Rb and CD3 and H.E.stainning were used to observe the pathological changes.Results:CD68,CD45Rb and CD3 were expressed positively at the following sites:1.The positive area distributed along the blood vessels;2.They were highly expressed in the area of degenerated nervous fibers with focus or segment distribution manner;3.They were invasive distribution in the epineurium.There were significant differences for the expression of CD68,CD45Rb and CD3 between the describing group and those from the light group,moderate group and heavy group(p<0.05 or<0.01).Similarly,the obvious differences existed between the recurrent group and the primary group(p<0.05 or<0.01).Conclusions:Macrophage is one of the main kinds of effect cells in the trigeminal demyelination,which participates the immunoinflammatory reaction,activates the local lymphocyte immune response and accelerate the development of the disease.
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 北大核心 1999年第4期174-176,共3页 Stomatology
关键词 脱髓鞘 三叉神经 巨噬细胞 免疫炎性反应 Nerve Demyelination Immune
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