篒M: To summarize and evaluate the results offree vascularized fibular graft (FVFG) for bone reconstruc-tion of extremities after tumor removed in limb-saving proce-dures, and to discuss its extent of application. METHODS:Forty-three patients, with FVFG for bone reconstruction af-ter tumor r6peoved were studied retrospectively, There werel2 cases of malignant bone tumors and 31 benign or tumor-like lesions. FVFG lengths were 8 - 25 cm (mean, 15- lcm). The follow up period of these patients was more thantwo years. Twenty-eight of the lesions were treated with mi-crowave-induced hyperthermia, seven aggressive benign tu-mors were resected and eight benign tumors were curettaged.The time of bone union, functional results of the bone recon-struction and postoperative complications were analyzed. RE-SULTS: The FVFG resulted in substantial bone union in allpatients except one, and the average time of bone union was5. 1 months. According to the Enneking's System of func-tional evaluation of reconstruction after limb salvage, theoverall clinica1 results were satisfactory, the average pointbeing 19. O. The point of functional evaluation in the uppel.extremity was 23. 7 points, which was superior to that (l7- 2points) in the lower extremity. 5 cases with post operativecomplications (2 recurrences, 2 fractures and 1 nonunion )needed reoperation and therefore had the lowest functionalpoint (9. 2 points)- CONCLUSION: The FVFG is effectivein salvaging limb and its function after wide resection of tu-mors in the extremities. However, attention should be paidto the selection of cases.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
bone transplantation
bone tumor
vascular surgery