AIM: To investigate the osteogenesis and the formof new bone formation in repairing bone defect using the com-pound materials of the allogenic bone matrix gelatin (BMG)particles, impregnated with polymethyl-methacrylate (PM-MA) bone cement and bovine bone morphogenetic proteins(bBMP). METHODS: The compound materials and autolo-gous bone were implanted in New Zealand rabbits' radiusbone defects respectively. The samp1es were observed withgross, X-ray, single photo emission computed tomography(SPECT), histomorphological and scanning electronic micro-scope at different periods after operation in order to observethe form of new bone formation and osteogenesis of the com-pound materials in contrast to autaiogous bone. RESULTS:@ There was no significant deference in the healing rate be-tween the compound materials and autologous bone. @ Thecompound material graft was similar to the fresh autologousbone graft in the healing process and the form.of new boneformation. CONCLUS1ON: Allogenic BMG particles impreg-nated with bone cement act as a good bBMP slow releasingcarriers and the compound materials possess a superior boneinduction. The resu1ts of rabbits' radius bone defect repairedwith the compound materials are satisfactory.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
allogenic bone matrix gelatin
autologous bone graft
bone induction
bovine bone morphogenetic proteins
bone cements