
三种种植系统周边骨质吸收的对比研究 被引量:5

A comparative study to the marginal bone loss of three implant systems
摘要 目的:用全景片评估平齐对接种植系统、平台转换种植系统边缘骨吸收的差别。方法:植入平齐对接种植体(Noble Replace)54枚,小平台转换种植体(Osstem GS)14枚,斜肩式平台转换种植体(Bicon)25枚。在种植体植入当天、负载3个月后分别进行全景片检查,测量种植体边缘牙槽骨高度,计算牙槽骨丧失量。SPSS l4.0软件进行统计分析。结果:功能负载3个月后,平齐对接种植体近、远中边缘骨吸收量分别为1.88 mm±1.49 mm、1.81 mm±1.34 mm;斜肩式平台转换种植体为-0.68 mm±0.99 mm、-1.17 mm±1.37 mm;小平台转换种植体为0.53 mm±1.48 mm、0.74 mm±0.99 mm。三种种植体两两比较,P<0.05,相互之间存在显著性差异。结论:应用平台转换技术可减少种植体边缘骨吸收,不同的平台转换设计,其保存种植体周围骨质的能力明显不同。 Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the difference of marginal bone loss around the implant with butt-joint or platform-switched implant system on the panoramic radiograph. Method: 54 butt-joint implants (Noble Replace), 14 small platform-switched implants (Osstem GS), 25 oblique style platform switched implants (Bicon) were consecutively placed. Panoramic radiograph was taken at immediately after implant placement and 3 months after functional loading. Marginal bone level and marginal bone loss were measured on the panoramic radiograph. All data was statistical analysis by SPSS14.0 software. Result: 3 months after functional loading,the mean bone absorptive amount on the mesial and distal of the bult-joint implants were 1.88 mm±1.49 mm and 1.81 mm±1.34 mm; obligue style platform switched implants were -0.68 mm±0.99 mm and -1.17 mm±1.37 mm; small platform swifched implants were 0.53 mm±1.48 mm and 0.74 mm±0.99mm. Three implant systems were comparison of pair wise, their difference were shown to be significant (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion: Platform switching technology can reduce the marginal bone absorptive amount around dental implant; moreover, different platform switching designs have strikingly different ability in saving the bone around the implant.
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2011年第12期742-745,共4页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
基金 海南省2008年度重点科技计划(080217)
关键词 牙种植 边缘骨吸收 平台转换 dental implant marginal bone loss platform switching
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