
根际通气量对盆栽番茄生长、蒸腾量及果实产量的影响 被引量:12

Effect of Rhizosphere Ventilation Volume on Plant Growth,Transpiration and Fruit Yield of Potted Tomato
摘要 为确定作物生长的最优根际通气量,采用空气压缩机控制供气,设置了0.4(T1)、0.8(T2)和1.2(T3)3个通气系数,研究根际通气量对盆栽番茄生长、蒸腾量及相关生理指标的影响。结果表明:通气处理可显著提高番茄植株的茎粗、叶面积指数、叶片叶绿素含量及干物质积累,且均在T2处理下达最高值;在试验不同时期,盆栽番茄的累积蒸腾量受通气量影响的表现不同,盆栽番茄的累积蒸腾量最终表现为:T2>T3>T1>CK;通气处理对盆栽番茄的产量和作物水分生产率均有显著影响。在T2处理下的产量、干物质积累量最高,该处理最有利于盆栽番茄生长。 In order to determine the optimal crop rhizosphere ventilation volume,air compressor was used to supply gas,and three ventilation coefficient 0.4(T1),0.8(T2) and 1.2(T3) were set to study the potted tomato growth,transpiration and associated physiological indices.The results showed that ventilation treatment could significantly improved the tomato plant stem diameter,leaf area index,leaf chlorophyll content and dry matter accumulation,and all had the highest value under the T2 treatment;the cumulative transpiration of tomato plant were different under different ventilation volume in experiment times,which finally showed:T2T3T1 CK.Rhizosphere ventilation had significantly effect on potted tomato yield and crop water productivity.The fruit yield and dry matter accumulation reached highest value under T2 treatment,which was the most conducive to the growth of potted tomato.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第28期286-290,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 "十二五"国家高技术发展计划课题"低能耗微灌技术与产品"(2011AA100507)
关键词 通气系数 盆栽番茄 蒸腾量 作物水分生产率 ventilation coefficient potted tomato transpiration crop water productivity
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