
核基因和线粒体基因在叶螨分子系统学上的应用 被引量:2

The Application of Nuclear Genes and Mitochondrial Genes in Molecular Systematics of Spider Mites
摘要 为了对叶螨科螨类进行准确分类并广泛应用于生产和科研中,应用线粒体基因和核基因等分子手段进行螨类分子系统学研究,能够高效的进行物种区别与鉴定、发现新种和隐存种以及进行系统发育分析。与传统的形态学鉴定相比,分子分类能对处于不同发育阶段的生物进行鉴定,研究结果更客观而且可以反复被验证,并且核基因和线粒体基因联合分析对系统树上的不同深度能提供重要的系统进化信息以更好解决系统进化问题,并将传统形态学分类和分子生物学分类相结合,有助于正确鉴定生物物种分析系统发育。 In order to correctly identify spider mites in tetranychidae for the wide application in production and scientific research,mitochondrial genes and nuclear genes were used for phylogenetic analysis of spider mites,through which species could be effectively identified and cryptic species revealed,and phylogenetic analysis conducted.Compared to conventional morphological identification,molecular taxonomy could identify the organism at different development stages,and the investigation results were more objective and could be verified.Mitochondrial genes plus nuclear genes could provide important evolutionary information in different depth of the phylogenetic tree and hence solved the evolutionary problems.And combination of conventional morphological taxonomy with molecular taxonomy would be more helpful for correct species identification and phylogenetic analysis.
出处 《中国农学通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第30期192-196,共5页 Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin
基金 高等学校博士学科点新教师基金"线粒体COI基因和核基因28SrDNA基因D1-D2区段联合分析叶螨科系统发育"(20093250120003)
关键词 叶螨 核基因 线粒体基因 系统发育分析 spider mites nuclear gene mitochondrial gene phylogenetic analysis
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