
湖泊水面温度遥感定量反演研究综述 被引量:4

Reviews on Quantitative Reconstruction of Lake Surface Temperature using Remote Sensing Data
摘要 湖泊水面温度与藻类生长密切相关,通过获取水体表层温度信息来监测湖泊水面温度时空动态变化,对于蓝藻水华预警监控具有重要意义。湖泊水面温度遥感定量反演的理论方法与反演地表、海洋表面温度基本相同。本文在介绍遥感反演地表温度原理的基础上,总结了国内外基于热红外波段反演水体表面温度的单窗算法、劈窗算法、多通道算法等几种常用方法,重点分析了各算法的优缺点和反演的主要难点,并对今后在内陆水体藻华预测预警等方面的应用趋势进行了展望。 Lake surface temperature (LST) affects the growth of algae very much. To obtain the information of the spatial and temporal dynamic changes of the lake surface temperature is helpful to forecast and monitor eyanobaeterial bloom. The theory and method of reconstruction of lake surface temperature using remote sensing data is similar as that for surfaces of earth and oceans. In this paper, based on the mechanism of reconstruction of earth surface temperature, several methods adopted home and abroad such as single window algorithm, split-window and multiple-band algorithms were reviewed, of which the advantages and disadvantages and the reconstruction difficulties were analyzed. The future applications trend of broadcast and early warning of inland water algal blooms were prespeetod.
出处 《四川环境》 2011年第6期116-122,共7页 Sichuan Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金(41101316) 科技部973计划(2008CB418003)资助项目
关键词 湖泊水面温度 热红外遥感 反演算法 藻华 Lake surface temperature (LST) thermal infrared remote sensing reconstruction algorithm algal bloom
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