
美国虚拟高中发展述评 被引量:2

An Overview of the Development of Virtual High Schools of America
摘要 美国的虚拟高中形成于20世纪末,其兴起缘于美国学龄人口的增长、信息技术的发展、对教育公平的追求与学生教育需求的多样等方面。虚拟高中在学习时空灵活性、课程内容数字化、教学模式多样化与受众广泛等方面具有突出特点。同时,多渠道经费来源、政策的大力支持与大学的积极参与是其取得成功的重要条件。美国虚拟高中的发展对于我国高中教育的普及与发展具有一定的借鉴价值。 American virtual high school appeared in late 20th century. The rising of virtual high school was due to the growth of school-age population,the development of information technology ,the pursuit of equity of education and the diverse educational needs of students. There are outstanding features about virtual high school,including the flexibility of learning space and time, digital curriculum content, the diversity of teaching mode,and a wide range of audiences. While the multi-channel sources of funding,policy support and active participation of the universities are the important conditions for its success. The experience of American virtual high school gives us very important reference value for the popularization and development of high school education in China.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期17-23,共7页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目<普通高中多样化发展研究>(项目批准号:10JZD0037)
关键词 美国 虚拟高中 电子学习 America Virtual High School e-learning
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