
从类型到制度化——西方民主政治场域中政党体制研究的视角转移 被引量:4

From Type to Institutionalization——A Shift of Perspective in Western Democratic Political Studies of Party System
摘要 作为西方民主政治的实施机制,政党体制一直是西方民主政治研究的重要议题。纵观政党体制的研究历程可以发现,从类型到制度化的研究视角转移趋势日益明显。具体而言,政党体制一被视为西方民主政治的实施机制,就陷入了不同类型政党体制之于民主政治的优劣之论争上。但经验证明,两党制和多党制都能够产生稳定政府,维系民主政治的正常运作,因而单纯的政党体制类型论争,对于民主政治并无多大的实际意义。于是,20世纪下半期以来的许多学者开始摒弃了体制类型论争,而是借助制度化视角去关注每一政党体制自身承担西方民主政治实施机制功能的能力,从而出现了政党体制研究的视角转移。 As an implementation mechanism, the party system has been a very important re- search topic of western democratic politics. Inspected from a diachronic perspective, a shift of re- search perspectives from the type of party system to institutionalization of the party system is be- coming obvious. To be more specific, ever since the party system was viewed as an implementa- tion mechanism, heated debates over the advantages tern with regard to democratic politics have been on. and disadvantages of each type of party sys- However, experience suggests that both the two-party system and multi-party system have produced stable governments that maintained proper operation of democratic politics. Focusing on the type of party system alone is not of sub- stantial significance for democratic polities. Therefore, beginning from the second half of the twentieth century many scholars started to turn their attention to the perspective of institutionali- zation and examined the capacity of each type of party system in its operational function to sup- port democratic politics. Thus, a shift of research perspectives is realized.
作者 叶麒麟
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期81-87,共7页 Teaching and Research
关键词 西方民主政治 政党体制 类型 制度化 western democratic politics party system type institutionalization
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