
中国消费者的延迟购买偏好是如何反转的?——计划行为视角 被引量:6

A Study on Consumer Deferral Preference Reversal Based on Theory of Planned Behavior
摘要 中国消费者普遍存在的延迟购买意向构成了企业销售的一大瓶颈,基于此,本文在延迟理论和反转理论的基础上提出消费者延迟购买偏好的反转,并借助计划行为理论构建了反转模型。研究发现,消费者的延迟购买偏好存在着三条反转路径(态度改善、面子意识及群体评价提升、感知行为控制增强),其中,第三条路径效果最佳,消费者对于"我能"的感知超过了对"我喜欢"、"我应该"的感知,即对改变延迟偏好的控制度越高,越觉得改变容易,该延迟偏好发生反转的可能性也就越大。本研究结果对更好地认识中国消费者延迟购买意向的权变性,帮助中国企业引导消费者反转、有效促销有重要意义。 Consumer Deferral Preference in China is widespread which has become a bottleneck for company sales. This paper proposes Consumer Deferral Preference Reversal based on the Theory of Deferral and the Theory of Reversal, and introduces the Theory of Planned Behavior to build the reversal model. Our study shows that: there are three reversal routes for consumers' deferral purchase intention (improved attitude, face consciousness and increased group evaluation, enhanced perceived behavior control) , and the third route is the best. Perception of "I can" is higher than perception of "I like" and "I should". Namely, the higer the perceived behavior control is, the higher the probability of reversal would be. This paper reveals chinese consumers' contingency in deferral purchase intention, which helps Chinese companies to lead consumers' reversal and to make effective promotion strategies in a meaningful way.
作者 李晓 屠采撷
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期10-17,共8页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"消费者延迟偏好反转研究"(2012年)的阶段性成果(71172211) 武汉大学自主科研基金"消费者延迟偏好反转研究"(2011年)的研究成果
关键词 延迟偏好反转 计划行为理论 反转模型 感知行为控制 deferral preference reversal planned behavior theory reversal model perceived behavior control
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