
社会—生态系统视野下的集体林权制度改革:一个新的政策框架 被引量:13

Collective Forest Tenure Reform under the Perspective of Social-Ecological Systems:A New Policy Framework
摘要 "社会—生态"耦合是指人类行动和生态结构是紧密地联系在一起且相互依赖的,形成了相互耦合、多维互动的社会—生态系统。从这一视角看,虽然集体林权制度改革在明晰资源使用边界、赋予基层自主管理权利方面迈出了重要的一步,但是,它在解决社会—生态系统复杂性上还存在一定的缺陷:一是集体林权制度改革简化了社会—生态系统的复杂关系,在一定程度上忽视了人类行动对森林干涉的间接效果;二是"高间断性"的集体林权制度改革在一定程度上破坏了原有森林资源的延续性和稳定性;三是生产导向的集体林权制度改革在一定程度上隔离了不同森林子系统的有机关联,使得森林资源治理呈现破碎化状态;四是集体林权制度改革还没有充分反映森林的生态服务和环境价值,森林的生态效果没有得到有效的开发。未来的森林资源治理必须从资源—使用者—治理系统之间的紧密关系入手,建立一个完整的治理循环体系。从治理系统的角度看,需要改变以往自上而下、单一的模式,而是发挥服务、组织和引导的功能,形成一种弹性、分层和尊重地方知识的适应性治理模式;从使用者系统的角度看,应重点培植中间的、民间的自组织治理系统,通过信任构建、社会学习和民主治理等手段,适当加强林业的规模化经营和联合经营,将森林资源的生态服务价值更好地带进广阔的市场网络中,使林农从可持续的经营中获得更大的利益,形成自我发展、自我管理的自主治理模式;从资源系统的角度看,必须确保治理系统和使用者系统的干扰不使森林资源的生态服务功能发生重大变异,不时追求系统效益的极大化,而是要让系统更具有"恢复力",不易崩溃。 The coupled social-ecological analysis is a "sustainability science" which focuses on building ecological resilience and exploring the complex interactions between human being and nature. By having a unique theoretical perspective and cross-disciplinary analysis tools, it not only offers a new research approach for the traditional environmental governance which is only concerned about the social aspects or ecological side of the environment, but also provides new tools for the environment and resources management, such as adaptive management, ecosystem management, etc. From the view of complex "social-ecological system", the collective forest tenure reform of China still exists some limitations in improving the ecological performance, economic performance, governance performance and social performance, although it has made great achievements. The collective forest tenure reform should not stop at the level of property rights reform, it needs to gradually establish a more comprehensive adaptive management system which can adapt to the needs of rural community and environmental governance. The paper proposes a new governance framework for the forest resource in China, so as to provide new approaches to promote the collective forest tenure reform to sustainable governance for forest resources.
作者 蔡晶晶
机构地区 厦门大学经济系
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期79-86,共8页 Academic Monthly
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目"农村水利基础设施合作治理的制度安排研究"(11YJC630010) 厦门大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目"基于环境与资源复杂系统的‘社会-生态’耦合分析--以福建省集体林权制度改革为例"(2010221038)的阶段性成果
关键词 社会-生态系统 集体林权制度改革 适应性治理 可持续发展 social-ecological system, collective forest tenure reform, adaptive governance, sustainability
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